Wisdom accrues by Listening to the Earth -- an activity that we embrace with great exuberance!

We are in a period of game-changing events, degradation of known norms, and a deep sense of yet unseen, emergent new forms. The curtain has been pulled back and the world of our creation is in view. We see the dissolution of an epoch and its spoils.   Clearly, it is unwise to return to former ways of being. Oz is no more. It can be a confusing time for many. Where will we end up? At Evocateur of the Sacred, we welcome all who are actively tuning into the inherent beauty in the cyclic descent of celestial energies and the alchemical heat that excites synthesis in all aspects of planetary and human life.   Do you know — the means to thrive is present? And that it is being evoked through our inter-relatedness and interdependence with all life? And, that the alchemical container hosting the evolutionary forces at play is Earth herself, and your body? Dive in and Discover More...